Thursday, April 11, 2013

Managed Metadata Navigation - Issue

SharePoint 2013 has a new feature - Managed Navigation

You can follow (@bniaulin) Benjamin Niaulin's article on NBSP to setup the site navigation.

You might come accross the following error whilst setting up the metadata navigation:

Error loading navigation: The managed Navigation term set is improperly attached to the site.

The issue for me was:
  1. I created Terms within the default "Site Navigation"
  2. "Navigation & Term-Driven pages" Tabs missing for all the Terms
  3. I checked the "Use this Term Set for Site Navigation" under Intended Use tab for "Site Navigation" - this displayed the above tabs for all terms
  4. Set the Target page for the Term under Term-Driven Tab
I went back to Site Settings > Navigation, Selected "Structural Navigation" for global and current navigation, saved it & set it back to managed navigation to the fix the issue.

Another solution: Create Term Set button in the navigation settings page, this will take care of any settings.