Saturday, October 12, 2013

Breadcrumb in SharePoint 2013

Estruyf has an excellent post on using the Suite Bar for Breadcrumb. In my case I needed it for my SharePoint Online (O365) project and I was using Starter Master Pages by Randy Drisgrill.

The below are some tweaks that I did to get it working:

The below control in the master page generates the Ribbon and the Suite Bar
<PublishingRibbon:PublishingRibbon runat="server" />

With limited support for PowerShell in SharePoint Online, I instead used Estruvf's JS code and used it my MasterPage. I updated the below lines:

if (_spPageContextInfo.pageListId.toUpperCase() == ctx.listName.toUpperCase()) {

if (_spPageContextInfo.pageListId.toUpperCase() == ctx.listName.toUpperCase() || _spPageContextInfo.pageListId.substring(1, _spPageContextInfo.pageListId.length - 1).toUpperCase() == ctx.listName.toUpperCase()) {

to show breadcrumbs for Calendars.

this.elm.innerHTML = this.breadcrumb;

For SharePoint Online: $('#suiteBrandingBox').text(this.breadcrumb);  
For SharePoint 2013:   $('#ms-core-brandingText').text(this.breadcrumb);

The suiteBrandingBox is generated by the PublishingRibbon control, 
and lastly I didn't need to show the Home site, I included the following in the onQuerySuccess function (parentWeb)
if (this.parentweb.get_serverRelativeUrl() != "/")